Hurricane Ida Storm Recovery Resources Toolkit
New York City experienced widespread flash flooding through Wednesday, September 1, into early Thursday morning. According to the National Weather Service, Central Park broke its all-time 1-hour rainfall rate with 3.15 inches of rain recorded between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Wednesday. Central Park also received 7.19 inches of rain by Thursday morning, making it the fifth-largest daily rainfall in the past 150 years. It also marked the first time the National Weather Service issued a Flash Flood Emergency for New York City. New York City declared a local state of emergency due to the weather.
The storm was unlike anything New York City has ever faced. Our City mourns the loss of at least 13 New Yorkers who tragically lost their lives during this storm.
President Biden has approved an expedited Major Disaster Declaration that will help provide federal financial relief for New Yorkers recovering from the flooding damage caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida. The counties covered by the declaration include: Bronx, Queens, Kings (Brooklyn), and Richmond (Staten Island).
There are now 5 service centers open to the public and the City of New York has developed a list of resources for those who were affected by this historic storm at
Resources for Houses of Worship and Individuals Impacted by Hurricane Ida
City Resources
A one-pager currently available in English and 12 additional languages that lists City resources available to New Yorkers affected by the storm: download here.
Multilingual Flyer
A resources that has 14 languages translated onto it: download here.
FEMA Flyer
A flyer highlighting FEMA resources is available in Arabic, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Haitian Creole, and Spanish, and English is on the other side of each language: download here.
Department of Buildings Flyers
These flyers are in English and were made by the Department of Buildings: download here.
DCWP Ida Flyer
A flyer highlighting how New Yorkers can protect themselves against price gouging: download here.
Help for Homeowners Flyer
Flyer about steps homeowners should take in the wake of Ida: download here.
Small Business Services Emergency Response Flyer
This is available in English: download here.
Resource Guide for Immigrant New Yorkers Flyer
Download and print a quick and easy road map of city services available to all New Yorkers below, available in over 30 languages. All documents are in PDF format: download here.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
A flyer about ERAP that is available in English and Spanish: download here.
Communications and Outreach Resources
Disaster Assistance
Sample Posting Text:
- Were you affected by Ida? You can now apply for financial assistance related to Ida recovery. Learn more at: or call 1-800-621-3362.
- @POTUS has approved an expedited Major Disaster Declaration that will help provide federal financial relief for New Yorkers affected by Hurricane Ida. To apply for disaster assistance, visit or call @FEMA at (800) 621-3362
- @NYC311 is available in more than 175 languages to help New Yorkers report damage to their property from last week’s storm and accessing the city’s Damage Assessment Tool for tracking #Ida’s impact. Call 311 (VRS: 212-639-9675 or TTY: 212-504-4115). 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
- Ida Recovery Service Centers are open for any New Yorker who needs help. No one will be asked about immigration status. Stop by and get help from many City agencies all at one location. Visit http://NYC.Gov/Ida for more information.
- New Yorkers are encouraged to call 311 or visit an Ida Recovery Service Center if you need helping pumping water out of your home. Help will be provided free of charge, and there will be no questions about your immigration status. Find locations at: http://NYC.Gov/Ida
Price Gouging

Sample Posting Text
1. BEWARE of #PriceGouging & report it to @nycdca! Under the declared state of emergency, businesses CANNOT excessively increase the price of any goods/services that are essential to health or safety. This includes home repair, plumbing, electrical services.
2. Price gouging related to Hurricane Ida home repairs is ILLEGAL. Predatory businesses will face violations and fines. If you think a business increased the cost for repairs, file a complaint with @nycdca at
3. Did #HurricaneIda damage your home? Get important tips from @nycdca on how to protect your home and money as you look to recover.
4. Helping with home repairs after Hurricane Ida is good. Overcharging for services is not. Read important business reminders from @nycdca at
Support for Small Businesses
Sample Posting Text – Facebook/LinkedIn:
@NYC Department of Small Business Services is here to help our small business community recover from Hurricane Ida. Our Emergency Response Unit has been on the ground assessing damage to local businesses and meeting with local business owners to hear about the resources they need to recover. If you need support, call our hotline: 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692)
Sample Posting Text – Twitter:
Hurricane Ida has impacted all five boroughs.
@NYC_SBS is here to help. If you need support from an emergency response professional to assess your space and your specific business needs, call our hotline:
888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692).
Download graphics here.
Download graphics here.
Download square & rectangle graphics here.
Sample Posting Copy:
1. Did you lose your @IDNYC during #Ida? #RenewYourIDNYC to ensure you can use your IDNYC to:
💉Confirm #COVID19 vaccine eligibility
📑Access your immunization records through @NYCHealthy
🏠Connect with City programs, such as @nychousing’s Housing Connect
To renew, visit
2. If you lost your @IDNYC during the recent storms, #RenewYourIDNYC now:
➡️ 50% off prescriptions
➡️ Access immunization records @nychealthy
➡️ Link your @IDNYC to your @NYCHealthSystem medical records
Just a few ways IDNYC is keeping our city healthy 🍎
NYC Well
Graphic: (feel free to tag @MentalHealthNYC and @nychealthy when posting)
Download graphic here
Sample posting:
If you feel overwhelmed after Hurricane Ida, all New Yorkers can access free mental health support. NYC Well counselors are available to listen, 24/7.
For free, confidential support in multiple languages:
Call 1-888-NYC-Well
Text WELL to 65173
Excluded Workers Fund (EWF)
Sample Posting Text:
1. The Excluded Workers Fund (EWF) is a $2.1 billion program to provide cash payments to workers who have suffered income loss due to COVID-19, but who are not eligible for Unemployment Insurance, Economic Impact Payments, or other federal benefits. Visit:
2. Immigrant New Yorkers: COVID-19 support is on the way! If you lost income during the pandemic and were unable to access COVID-19 resources because of your immigration status, you may be eligible for the Excluded Workers Fund! Learn more:
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
Download graphic in 11 languages here
New Yorkers should apply to ERAP now! If you apply to pay back-rent, your eviction case in Housing Court will be put on hold until your application has been reviewed. If approved, you’ll receive additional protections.
Learn more:
Child Tax Credit
Sample Posting Text:
1. NYC #FreeTaxPrep can help families claim the #ChildTaxCredit—worth up to $3,600 per child!
Learn about virtual, drop-off, + in-person options via @nycdca at
2. #ChildTaxCredit payments can help NYC families with rent, utilities, food, clothes, and many other household expenses. If you haven’t filed your taxes yet, file with NYC #FreeTaxPrep via @nycdca at
3. #ChildTaxCredit payments began on July 15. Most New Yorkers do not need to do anything to receive it but if you have not submitted information to the IRS you must act asap! File with NYC #FreeTaxPrep. Learn about virtual, drop-off, + in-person options at