
Oct 29 2024

In-person 3-day training includes Religious Literacy and Competency in Crisis Settings & 2-days of chaplaincy training to prepare faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings.

Program Areas


NYDIS works to ensure that the concerns of faith communities and the needs of present and future disaster survivors are addressed on a governmental and legislative level.


Communication plays a central role during all parts of the disaster lifecycle. Providing timely and relevant information before, during, and after a disaster can help to save and enhance the lives within an affected community.


Through faith-based, community, and government partnerships, NYDIS and its members provide preparedness planning, facilitate service coordination, and equip faith communities and their leaders for readiness, response, and recovery.


NYDIS and its members work to increase community resilience and promote the development and coordination of effective recovery programs.


NYDIS employs our connections, knowledge, and resources in faith communities and emergency management agencies to alleviate human suffering during disasters


City & State New York

August 12, 2024

To consider City & State’s inaugural Above & Beyond: Social Services list is to gain new appreciation for the breadth of talent and dedication powering New York’s human-centered agencies.

The altruistic backbone of the sector is a front line of social workers and counselors nimbly responding to the twin exigencies of America’s mental health crisis and New York’s influx of high-needs asylum-seekers. But these practitioners could not do their work without the support of management consultants; attorneys who specialize in the nonprofit space; fundraisers, insurers and financing experts to secure ever-more-costly initiatives; and the lobbyists and advocates who ensure that Albany and Washington invest in our most vulnerable communities.

Housing is a secondary theme of this list, reflecting the skyrocketing need for emergency shelter, transitional housing and supportive residences for people struggling with the fallout of homelessness, substance use, chronic illness and other complex needs.

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Above & Beyind

September 1, 2021

An opportunity to reflect on the impacts of September 11th, 2001 with a streaming of the official Reading of the Names from the World Trade Center Memorial at Ground Zero. Support offered by chaplains and emotional and spiritual care providers. Opportunity to participate in health and wellness activities and artistic and creative outlets guided by art therapists.
This event will follow all CDC recommendations and guidelines set forth by New York State and New York City. Proof of vaccination will be required for entry. Physical vaccine cards, the NY COVID Safe app, and the Excelsior Pass app will all be accepted with matching photo ID.
The event will take place on September 11th from 8AM-1PM at The Salvation Army. Victim families, responders, volunteers, impacted residents and other providers and supporters are all welcome.
Location: Centennial Memorial Temple, 120 West 14th Street, New York, NY

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Peter B. Gudaitis

October 27, 2020

New York, October 27, 2020: In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and unprecedented hurricane and wildfire seasons, a new app will help first responders, disaster response professionals and voluntary organizations better serve America’s diverse religious communities and build partnerships with religious leaders.

The Disasters & Religions App presents easily accessible religious literacy and competency information on 27 unique religions, from Baha’i to Zoroastrianism, including 12 Christian denominations.

“Three quarters of U.S. residents are people of faith. Yet, as a country, we often struggle to understand the unique religious beliefs, practices and day-to-day needs of each person,” said Peter B. Gudaitis, M.Div., Executive Director & CEO of New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS) and President of the National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN). “In times of crisis, this app will equip responders with resources to feed, shelter, counsel, bury or provide emotional and spiritual care to the diversity of people of faith, among many other unmet needs, during disasters and public health emergencies that face our country.”

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NYDIS in the News

Above & Beyond: Social Services - Recognizing exemplary leaders dedicated to serving vulnerable New Yorkers.
More beds for migrants: faith leaders and NY SANE Coalition call on City to approve plan to house 5,000 asylum seekers at houses of worship, save over $547 million per year
Mayor Adams, NYC Faith Leaders Launch Faith-Based Shelter Program for Houses of Worship to Support Asylum Seeker Response
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves New York Disaster Declaration | The White House
Village Voice Article from 2018
Displaced Puerto Ricans Face Dire Situations As FEMA Housing Aid Nears Its End

Member Spotlight

Lutheran Social Services of New York

Lutheran Social Services of New York

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