
NDIN Tip Sheet: Engaging Faith Communities In Disasters Curriculum

This curriculum provides an overview of why and how to engage faith communities during disasters and public health emergencies. The modules demonstrate how diverse religious and cultural practice increases partner capabilities and builds whole community resilience. The course offers tools

The NDIN Emergency Rest Center Course trains volunteers from houses of worship seeking to self-activate as Emergency Rest Centers (ERC).

Nov 9 2024

This two-day (16-hour) trainer program equips participants to train others in NYDIS's Disaster Spiritual Care Curriculum. In addition to content review, this two-day training examines the characteristics of adult learners and models cooperative learning. (Pre-requisite: Two-day NYDIS Disaster Chaplain Training)

Nov 9 2024

This two-day (16-hour) training course prepares chaplains and credentialed religious leaders to provide spiritual and emotional care during deployment to disaster sites as well as within their own communities.

Nov 14 2018

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown